sky machines: three cheers for not spending a year surrounded by cows

June 28, 2010

three cheers for not spending a year surrounded by cows

Since Sean, the only reader of this blog, already knows this news I don't know why I'm writing it but, here it is anyway. I have some Excellent News! I got my school assignment for next year, and I'm going to be teaching at an elementary school in downtown Marseille.

Marseille port

The school actually very much downtown. It's a school for at-risk kids with non-so-great behavior, which should scare me. But how scary can 10-year-olds be? They're just little kids. In a couple months I will look at this and laugh about how naive I was.

Another good source of amusement in a couple months will be remembering how back in June I thought my level of French was going to be passable. Listening to French slang podcasts has For Sure adequately prepared me for life in a foreign country.

Come October it will be non-stop laughter. Right now I'm so excited I have trouble sleeping, and I have du pain sur la planche (so ready!), with visas and plane tickets.

1 comment:

  1. I read your blog. And I wish I was going to be teaching english in france. K bye.


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