sky machines: 1000 words

October 14, 2010

1000 words

Today I was looking through my photos for a picture I can show to my students to tell them what life in the US is like. It's really hard to condense "life in the US" into a photo. Should I go with a photo of a baseball game? A snowstorm? Tacos? New York City?

If I had to pick one picture I want to describe my life it would be this one.

Because I love my family, and I love how Drew closes her eyes when she hugs people. And I love that she's hugging me the way you would hug a long-lost friend, but the reason for the hug is that she gave me some weights I wanted for my birthday.

And I love pinatas.

Now I'm off to search "eating tacos at a Yankees game during a blizzard" on Google images. You look at a picture of that and you feel like you're there.

1 comment:

I had to add a captcha because one of my posts has the word "Google" in it and it was attracting spam robots like some sort of honey-covered robot magnet.