sky machines: give me the ric-rac and no one gets hurt

August 15, 2010

give me the ric-rac and no one gets hurt

One month until I'm in France! Which means 46 days until my first day of teaching.

The first half of "teaching in France," the teaching part, is starting to freak me out. Because I'm actually not a very good kid person. I don't have a good kid voice and I'm not good at singing songs, making weird faces, or enforcing rules. I'm getting nervous.

But I've heard that one thing French kids really like is stickers, so I thought maybe that would make me cool. After a couple months of obsessive collecting I have about 7,000 stickers, and know how to find the best prices (5 per cent) and the rarest designs (gender-neutral ones).

The only thing that scares me more than children right now is that everyone says stickers are a gateway craft item. It's just one aisle away from the stamps, then the crazy scissors and googly-eyes. Before you know it I'm in craft rehab, sniffing glitter glue and scratching "Live, Laugh, Love" on the walls of my room with my fingernails.

I promise I'm going cold turkey after this year.


  1. hey brooke! thanks for commenting on my blog. stickers are such a great idea! i was thinking of getting some for my kids too. any suggestions on where to buy a lot for cheap?

  2. Hey Laura - at Target right now in the Dollar Spot they have back-to-school stuff, and they have books of 400 stickers for a dollar. Or if you go to a craft store like Michaels they have books of them as well. I think stickers will help a lot. At least I help so.

  3. Haha, stickers as a gateway craft. That's awesome.


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