sky machines: I'm eating an enraged cow

August 13, 2010

I'm eating an enraged cow

As my knowledge of French idioms expands, this blog will slowly become even less comprehensible than it already is. To both French and English speakers.

The cocktail of prescription drugs I'm taking (watch your back, bronchitis) has really messed me up this week. Most of them cause "racing heart" and "a sense of nervousness," which I hoped would be balanced by my other medication's side-effect of "an increased sense of well-being" But actually the combination is disturbing.

I don't know how to describe it except to say that I feel like early tomorrow morning I'm taking my driver's license test, speaking in public, and then going to Disneyland. There's a tarantula on my shoulder and the room won't stop spinning. I can't shake the feeling that I'm forgetting something important. And dang, I just feel good about myself.

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