sky machines: reunion

August 4, 2010


We had the best weekend ever with Lincoln and Vindie, who let us leech off of them for a week in San Francisco. Highlights included cats mating, an old man serenading us in a Mexican restaurant, nine tacos, the metro, a pirate shop, 7-year-old superheros, elk heads, a jelly bean factory, making Livvy recite animal sounds, and a dachshund.

The bad news (lowlight?) is that I don't get to see Vindie every day, but it was a killer weekend.

Livvy is probably going to be a Gap Baby model or a nuclear physicist pretty soon. Coolest baby in the world.

1 comment:

  1. Serious bummer that we don't get to hang out like we did this weekend everyday. Can you email me some of the pictures you took of Liv? Your pictures look professional and I haven't taken any recent photos of the kid. Thanks so much for all of the help with her! She misses petting you and Sean! =)


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