sky machines: another reason to hate math.

October 24, 2010

another reason to hate math.

What people don't tell you when they talk about the beautiful weather in the south of France, is that there's a crazy, crazy wind called the Mistral that reaches speeds of 50 miles per hour.

Mistral + my hair x French people's bluntness = this daily conversation with one of my flat-mates:

HIM: Hey Brooke!
ME: Hey!
HIM: Wow, your hair looks really terrible!
ME: What?
HIM: Terrible - in that context it means like really snarly and standing straight up.
ME: Oh, I understood the word terrible I was just... ok, thanks...
HIM: Why does it look so bad?
ME: Just naturally like this mostly.
HIM: Wow. Do you want some chocolate?
ME: Definitely.

1 comment:

  1. Brooke! Reading your blog is the best! I love every post and if I didn't want to seem like a total stalker I would comment on them all. I'm so glad people are blunt. Could you imagine that here!? I hope when you get back and are very rude. Also, I miss you!!


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