sky machines: imagined conversation between two hôtel employees

October 8, 2010

imagined conversation between two hôtel employees

Jean:  Hey, did you see that girl who just walked into the restroom in the lobby?
Louis:  The really skinny one with her hair in a bun?
Jean:  Yeah, she comes in and uses that restroom almost every day, but I don't remember her
            ever checking in.
Louis:  What, you think she comes to this nice hotel just to use the bathroom?
Jean:  Just saying it's weird.
Louis:  Ha! Do you think she's some sort of freak of nature and uses the bathroom like several
           times a week? Or EVERY DAY!!?
Jean:  Oh my gosh that would be so crazy.
Louis:  What if people really DID use the bathroom every day, and there were bathrooms in
           most public places?
Jean:  That would be insane! It would never happen.
Louis:  What if they had them in like supermarkets and train stations, and libraries!!
Jean:  Stop it! You're hilarious!
Louis:  What if they had them in schools! And you could go to the bathroom whenever you
          needed to!!!!
Jean:  I mean it, don't make me laugh! I've had to go the the bathroom for the last three days.
Louis:  Sorry.
Jean:  It's ok. Anyway, she's probably a guest here.
Louis:  Yeah, probably.

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