sky machines: Esssactly

November 13, 2010


Major spoiler alert for people who are months behind on reality television: I was catching up on Project Runway last week, and when Casanova was cut I was crushed.

Casanoava was a Puerto Rican contestant who spoke in broken English and was always yelling "Essssactly!"

INTERVIEWER: You seemed to struggle with some of the challenges [...] do you think it was an issue with the language barrier or do you think that it was that you had a different interpretation of what you thought that they wanted?

CASANOVA: Definitely maybe I can say both.

The guy never made any sense. No one could understand him. In short - he was me.

Because that's how I see myself lately - I am the zany foreign character on my own French reality show. Always thirty seconds behind in the conversation. Laughing really loudly when I don't understand jokes. Only speaking in the present tense. Drifting off midi-sentence when the vocabulary gets too difficult. And always, with a bewildered look on my face, repeating my famous catchphase: "What is going on?"

Other likenesses include Gloria from Modern Family

and Consuela the maid from Family Guy.

Cross your fingers that viewers find my antics endearing, so I don't get voted off.

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