sky machines: everyone take their pencils out of their mouths

November 22, 2010

everyone take their pencils out of their mouths

Because it's time to learn the days of the week!
I teach at three different schools, three different days.

At my Monday school the kids are angels and all the classes have an ocean view. At the end of the day I think "I love teaching! I want to keep teaching forever! I'm so good at it!" Monday is a the-bus-arrives-exactly-when-I-get-to-the-bus-stop-so-I-don't-have-to-wait-at-all kind of day.

At my Tuesday school the kids are pretty nice and it's in a nice neighborhood. Not angels, not on the beach, but nice. On Tuesdays I think "Teaching is ok. But I'm not very good at it, and it's really exhausting." Tuesday is a miss-the-bus kind of day.

My Thursday school is different. On Thursdays I think "I hate teaching, I'm horrible at teaching, I hate this country, and I want to go home." Tuesday is a take-the-bus-half-an-hour-in-the-wrong-direction-and-then-step-in-dog-crap-twice kind of day.

Today is Monday!

If you still haven't grasped them I recommend this video:

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