sky machines: Hello, hi'm Hamanda.

January 6, 2011

Hello, hi'm Hamanda.

The only thing my kids love more than glitter stickers and Simon Says is the letter H. In French it isn't pronounced at the beginning of words, and my kids LOVE this new consonant. So much it may need a restraining order. This week we're learning body parts - like head and hair. And hears and harms and heyes. And after about five minutes into any lesson there are so many H's flying around that no one knows what's going on anymore, me especially.

"I have a question," asked a ten-year-old amidst the chaos. "What are hams?"

I'm trying to be more vigilant about pronunciation lately, since I figure that's the only thing I definitely have going for me. So I'm constantly correcting outrageous French pronunciation. No it's not a feeesh, it's a fish. No, it's not sreeee, it's three. And no, it's not hams. I don't know what it is, but it's not hams.


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