sky machines: I just remembered

April 7, 2011

I just remembered

This is my new favorite outfit AND the reason I have this blog instead of a fashion blog.

Also, the hair on the sides of my face doesn't grow longer than a couple inches and is not interested in gravity. My mom says there's nothing worse than having a kid with hair like that. I can think of something worse and it's spelled b-e-i-n-g  t-h-a-t  k-i-d. But now I'm an adult.

Also, while doing crafts this afternoon a girl licked some paste and told me "it tastes like the sea!"

Also, every day I get a hundred requests for kisses, which I change to "How about an American high five instead! Yes!" because I'm not interested in a lawsuit or a virus sampling. Today while I was sitting down, a six-year-old boy sprinted over, grabbed both of my ears, and tried to kiss me on the mouth. I used my lightning-fast reflexes to jump away, and then yelled "How about a high five!" with way more enthusiasm than usual. "You're so beautiful." he answered.

Also, after sing-along in kindergarten, I started to roll up the rug before leaving, but a five-year-old (named Wally) stopped me. "Leave the rug out," he explained, "it's Philosophy Workshop Hour."

Also, my second-favorite class is throwing me a going-away party next week. They're each going to bring in a favorite dessert or beverage to share and we'll have a "light tasting." They're seven years old.

Please don't leave me France.

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