sky machines: THEN I used the path tool and created a shape on a new layer

September 12, 2011

THEN I used the path tool and created a shape on a new layer

For the last couple days I have been doing less thinking

and more thinking LIKE THIS

And partly because it's not as easy to articulate these thoughts and mostly because I know no one else cares, I don't put them on this blog. But for the half a person who does care - today is your lucky day! Here are some places I post about design:

type to me is a collection of typography I like (I warned you this wouldn't be interesting)

a practical bestiary is where I post cool layouts

and whale sharks is advertising, design, and communication arts

I guess the takeaway point is, I like a lot of cool things, but I also like design things. And maybe you're thinking "but design is cool!" but most of my dreams lately are about Adobe Illustrator, and so far no one has been interested in hearing about them. Now I'm off to watch some more web coding tutorials.


  1. What is the font used for "whale sharks"? I want to use it all day every day for everything.

  2. Oh I love it too, it's Wenceslas:


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