As I was walking away a white male (is this relevant) asked me "Hey do you know where our bags are?"
"No, I just have a carry-on." I shrugged my shoulder with my Hartmann Tweed on it and then, because I have a curiosity that rivals that of any cat I know (I know zero because I'm allergic to cats, is this relevant?) I asked, "Is there a problem with the bags?" As soon as the word "bags" was out of my mouth I knew the Minnesoootan accent had come out too strong but I soldiered on, "Did they get sent to the wrong place?"
"Well..." he said. "Well I've had a lot to drink."
Is this relevant? He seemed to think he had answered my question. I wished him good luck.
"AND. GOOD. LUCKS. TO. YOU." he answered too loudly, with emphasis on every word.
After I finished thinking of vocabulary I can use instead of bag (luggage, suitcase, personal items) my Hartwman Tweed, my lucks and I walked toward my Los Angeles apartment where the luckiest girl in the world lives. Can I stockpile those lucks for later? Collect a few more unnessecary lucks and them go buy a lottery ticket or move to Ireland or whatever lucky people do? Ragin'.
are you living in LA? I was following your blog from when we both lived in France. Not to sound super creepy, but if you are in So Cal, we should get together and be nostalgic while reminiscing about our past French lives.