sky machines: My thoughts while eating dinner with you.

February 7, 2012

My thoughts while eating dinner with you.

Ha! This piece of chicken looks like a fetus! I've got to show this- wait. Is that dinnertime conversation? Probably not.

In one country they do eat chicken fetuses, in eggs. Can I mention that out loud? No, I can't. That makes people really sick even when they're not eating.

Hmmm... I wonder what the weirdest thing everyone at this table has thrown up is? Those will be some interesting stories. And it doesn't involve scabs, death, periods, or feces, or vom- ah. It does involve vomit. As a pretty central theme actually. Not dinnertime conversation.

Man, butter smells the same as urine to me. I bet everyone agrees with that. Wait, urine. Not dinnertime conversation.

That girl over there looks like my friend who had an ingrown - curses, that won't work at all.

I wonder if anyone's ever died at this restaurant.

Woah, what if this sauce were blood instead of cranberry?


1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA!! I would have thoroughly enjoyed if those thoughts would have been out loud while having dinner with you :)


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