sky machines: I've never seen free kombucha

October 10, 2012

I've never seen free kombucha

Flu shots were free at work today, which is an exciting first sentence because apparently flu shots are very polarizing. Everyone I talked to told me flu shots make you sick. I've never turned down anything free so I was in. 

The best part was my flu shot didn't hurt at all, but as soon it was over the nurse told me she needed to re-do it. The worst part was what she said after that:

"Sorry - that was my first time!" 

I quickly shielded myself as she gently shook a cardboard box full of needles. 

"That was my first time I ever messed up, is what I meant to say. Ever."

I wasn't convinced but I let her give me a second flu shot. It hurt. 

At least now if I get sick I'll know it isn't because of western medicine, but because my office hired the local middles school librarian to inject us with a mixture of Kool Aid and ground-up tylenol. That stuff will make you sick. Flu shots are perfectly safe.


  1. Haha! Oh my! Yeah, I get free flu shots from work too. I prefer free food, but you know, flu shots are a painful treat too, I guess.

  2. I bet Kool Aid and ground-up tylenol makes an awesome party drug.


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