The other day at the grocery store someone had abandoned a table with energy cube samples - tiny silver-wrapped squares of pure organic energy and now I have two handfuls of them.
An energy cube tastes like a Starburst if a Starburst tasted like vitamins and sand instead of like sugary imaginary fruit. And if you can bear to swallow them they give you energy the natural way. Quercetin.
What is quercetin? My ten minutes of research was inconclusive. But one energy cube contains as much quercetin as 40 apples! That's right, to quote the company's website "to get the equivalent you'd have to be willing - and able - to eat 40 apples in a sitting."
During a STUDY where quercetin was administered to four college students, one SUBJECT claimed to have a slightly better day. No report on how the students in the CONTROL GROUP compared but unless they ate nine apple pies for breakfast, they probably didn't get enough quercetin. The words in bold indicate that this is SCIENCE.

I have no idea what Vitamin "Sprinkles" are but expect a review of them soon.
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