Woke up early and didn't have anything to do so I gave myself bangs. Yikes.
Saw someone downtown wearing a Twins hat! I have never been so excited to see a stranger in my whole life. My friends heard people speaking English and came over, and I introduced my new friend: "This guy is wearing a Twins hat!" After we parted ways they asked me where I knew him from. From five minutes ago when I saw he was wearing a Twins hat. Already covered this, guys.
Every time I see someone I know in Marseille I get so excited - "Almost a million people in this city, what are the chances I would see HER!" I always say. And my friends point out that the chances are pretty high, because this is the street she lives on, or we're all walking to the same restaurant, or it's a really popular bus stop. But I think meeting people from Minnesota was crazy, good luck convincing me otherwise.
Ate dinner at an Indian restaurant with fellow teachers and our awesome Parisian friend Anne. Then went home and my French family had dinner ready - gluten-free pasta salad. So I ate a second time, for the third time this week. Afterward we watched a movie and I fell asleep several times but I think I covered it up pretty well?
These middle-of-the-night baseball games are really messing up my sleeping schedule.
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