sky machines: need some toast?

November 20, 2010

need some toast?

Every morning when I wake up I stumble out of bed and type my dreams on my computer. I used to write them in a notebook, but they were only legible 20% of the time. Which is really unfortunate when they include gems such as these:

I hurry to my next class, Fight Room. "Did you take notes last week?" I ask my classmate in the seat next to me. He punches me in the face.

Snow is falling really thick, and I catch a huge piece. Then I realize it's not snow it's a giant dead white goose, and I yell "don't touch that!" but it's too late my sister has already touched it. She freaks out and wants to wash her hands, so I say lets go up to that abandoned castle and you can wash them.

He was sitting across the street with his guitar. "What do you want me to play?" he yelled, and I said Cat Stevens.

I find a photography book with pictures of George Costanza wearing a business suit. Then I'm in the book, and the two of us are being chased by a giant catfish, and the more we swim toward land the further away land is.

Was handing out toast to people who needed it.

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