Pretty good. Looks more like meat than cheese, but it is cheese. In this picture it looks more like bread, but there's a bear in this picture and that's hilarious so stop complaining.
Rating: 5/10

12. Twarog (Polish)
Sour and wet. Apparently you can mix it with sugar, salt, onions, or peppers. You can also make it yourself but it's really complicated and you need to live in a climate similar to Poland's.
Rating: 6/10
I don't know if you've heard already but I'm a pretty big deal in Marseille's Polish community. My Polish friends introduce me to Polish chocolates, Polish tea, Polish music, and best of all (though it's hard to top chocolate) Polish cheese.
At lunch today we debated whether Poland or France had better cheese, which seemed like a ridiculous argument. René (French) ended it by citing the Charles de Gaulle quote "How can anyone govern a nation that has two hundred and forty-six different kinds of cheese?" And then we all agreed that because of quantity alone, France was the clear winner. René said there were 365 different varieties, not 246, but during the conversation he casually mentioned 23 I had never heard of, so he does seem to know what's up. I wrote them all down.
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