sky machines: not your Brooke.

December 13, 2010

not your Brooke.

Only two months after my post about the way French people butcher my name, I now completely accept it. I have started to introduce myself as, and internalize myself as, Bhruuke. It's my French personality. Bhruuke often realizes that everything she is wearing is black, and is prone to yelling "C'est pas possible!" when she's annoyed. If people have a really bad cough, Bhruuke thinks they're saying her name. It's happened several times, but does not get any less embarrassing.

Here are some of my other nicknames that are not catcalls.

Ma petite Bhruuke (my little Brooke): Some French friends call me this.
MaƮtresse (teacher): Polite children call me this. Or ones that can't remember my name.
Madame (madam): About three kids call me this. I have placed them in a higher rank of politeness than even the polite kids.
Ma Bhruuke (my Brooke): A 10-year-old girl I teach calls me this. She thinks we're friends. We'll see.

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