sky machines: oh come all ye physicists

December 4, 2010

oh come all ye physicists

A couple weeks ago, wooden booths started showing up in downtown Marseille. The only hints as to their purpose was the word "Gelato" on one of them. When the doors finally opened and there was no ice cream in sight my disappointment only lasted until I found out what it really was - SANTON MARKET.

Santons are Southern France's version of nativity scenes, with hundreds of different characters. Maybe it's just the remains of a childhood obsession with dolls, but I think they're awesome.

Thank goodness for santons. Because no nativity is complete without a warthog, a town drunk, a bagpipe player, a gypsy, a monk, a cheese-maker, an armadillo, a kid playing hopscotch,

a math teacher,

and a mad scientist.

1 comment:

  1. Good thing I don't live near a Santon market. I'd go broke.

    Don't you remember the mad scientist in the Christmas story? He brought potions to Bethlehem.


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