sky machines: if you're hairless and you know it

January 9, 2011

if you're hairless and you know it

All my posts start with an idea of when they took place in. It's not very original. This one took place a while ago. A while ago I wrote a post about my goal to say yes to everything in France. It was a pretty fun goal. It's led to some adventures. I probably fooled all of you into thinking it was great advice.

I hope for the life of me that no one takes advice I give them. I am not qualified to give advice to anyone besides maybe guinea pigs or amoebas.

Guinea pigs and amoebas listen up: do not say yes to everything. Some questions are fun to say yes to, and you end up at a circus or with free macaroons or you learn how to wind surf. But some questions make you teach English lessons every day for two Euros an hour, or sign you up for a weekly community class that costs way more in metro fare than you make tutoring. Some questions make you eat cooked carrots every night and there is nothing more gross than cooked carrots. Guinea pigs probably like them though. So I guess that last one is just directed at you, amoebas.

My point is, say yes too often and people will think you're a pushover. By the time you realize what's going on and try to say no to things that make you miserable, everyone will get angry, because they've never heard you say no before. Life is very confusing. And also I'm very homesick. If you know my address, please send me a guinea pig.

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