sky machines: "Don't make them feel smart when they're idiots." - French teacher, on dealing with six-year olds.

March 23, 2011

"Don't make them feel smart when they're idiots." - French teacher, on dealing with six-year olds.

I'm running a half marathon in a couple weeks, and I'm really excited about training for it.

Does that sentence sound strange? Usually one would be excited for the actual event. The weather's beautiful, you run the course, everyone finishes at their own speed, everyone gets a t-shirt and pats themself on the back and goes home feeling like a winner.

But this is France and in France, we are not all winners. Some people are winners and others are losers and the race is not supervised by your mom. That's why there's a bus that trails behind the runners, and picks up anyone that can't keep up a 10-minute-mile pace. They don't get t-shirts or or stickers, and they go home feeling like the losers they are.

And that's why I'm really excited about training for it.


  1. Are you going to be running in your ballet flats? Where is the run at? (Not that I know anything about places in France, just might do a Google map search though and dream I could be there too.) Best of luck to you!

  2. Thanks! I am nowhere near the fitness level to run it in ballet flats like the elite athletes. It's in Marseille! Just around the city though, not on the coast.


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