sky machines: in the city, in the city

April 5, 2011

in the city, in the city

This woman's apartment is the same size as mine.

I love my apartment. It's too small for some things, like breeding great danes or owning more than six shirts. But it's not too small for making paper-maché sculptures, looking at great danes online, eating mini Babybel cheese, and dancing, when I dance like this:

HAPPY FRIDAY DANCE PARTY #3 from blaine hogan on Vimeo.


  1. Brooke, that dance video brought tears to my eyes. Beautiful. Breathtaking. Hilarious. I was laughing out loud by myself in my little dorm room. Made my day. Thanks. You rock.

  2. SAME HERE. nice moves! and seriously, if you do like to dance, and if you like soul music, come to the Hotpants monthly soul night in Minneapolis!

  3. Do you read the blog Oh Happy Day by Jordan Ferney? If so, have you seen her in Paris? If not, you should. Here is the link,
    (This is Tristan, your old co-worker, by the way, if you didn't know who "T" was.)

  4. So glad the HFDP made it all the way to France. The Mrs. and I have always wanted to go! Maybe we'll stop by and say bonjour one day soon. Thanks again for posting!


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