sky machines: let's up that to a double-dog dare.

April 4, 2011

let's up that to a double-dog dare.

My friend Ashley often says things are "ragin'." That party was ragin', that dog is ragin', this tomato bisque is ragin'. Those are by no means direct quotes, just examples to illustrate that the word is an adjective. Because I swear I had never heard of it.

"Is that an Irish thing, or just an Ashley thing?" I'll ask people. (Ashley's Irish.) I'm fascinated by this word that's been avoiding me my whole life.

"It's an everyone thing, Brooke. Everyone says it."

"Then I dare you to. Say it randomly in the next five minutes and make it seem natural."

They never do. But I'm always excited about a new word, so I've decided to adopt it. And by adopt it I mean, use it whenever I would normally use the word outrageous. Last week I would have said "My apartment is so messy, it's outrageous."

Today it's ragin'. I like this word already.


  1. I feel like I've only ever used ragin' to apply to a party, as in that party was ridiculously awesome/fun/drunk-filled.

  2. p.s. I'm from California, so it's not just an Irish thing!


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