I think I know as much about the workings of a toilet as most plumbers.
The reason this is depressing is that two years ago I would have said the same thing, but can NOW declare with absolute certainty that two years ago I had a rudimentary knowledge of toilets, and it is only recently that I discovered ALL their secrets.
Which means in the next two years I'm sure I'll find myself once again sitting on the bathroom floor, surrounded by rusted chains and broken porcelain. And once again I'll throw my arms (drenched in water of dubious cleanliness) into the air and exclaim "And I thought I knew everything about toilets!"
Life is pretty much day after plumbing-related-disaster-day of finding out more about toilets than I want to know.

This is not my bathroom (click for credit). I'm just trying to add more pictures to my blog.
Look how nicely it breaks up the text.
gonna copy dat restroom style for sure!