Thent the thrift store last week a really chubby, red-faced kid in a shopping card was flailing around yelling "MAHM. MAHM. MAHM. MAHM. MAHM. MAHM. MAHM. MAHM. MAHM. MAHM. MAHM. MAHM. MAHM. MAHM. MAHM. MA-
FINE!!!! I promise I will never have children! Is that what you want?! ARE YOU SATISFIED?!?!
When a couple people heard that I had a lot of downtime this summer they were quick with a disturbing suggestion - why don't you have a kid? Then you'll have plenty to do!
To me this idea is on par with "Why not become paralyzed from the waist down and take physical therapy to learn to walk again? Why not carry a sofa to the top floor of a 200-story building using only the stairs?" Yes, those are certainly ways to fill time.
What this blog post really is, is a huge THANK YOU to all my friends who have children.
Your kids are adorable. They're way cooler than adults, they have tiny feet, and everything they do is new and exciting. I love hanging out with them, buying clothes for them, and hearing stories about them. Thank you for letting me do all the fun things, while you deal with them when they're screaming the most beautiful word in any language. I don't know how you do it, but I'm glad you do.

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Sure, having a kid would solve the downtime problem this summer -- for, oh, 5 minutes, give or take. You wouldn't start to see real returns until late next spring, and that's a long time to be bored. Stick with carrying sofas to the top floors of 200-story buildings.