sky machines: live-blogging from an army surplus store in Atlanta

March 20, 2012

live-blogging from an army surplus store in Atlanta

Did you want to know what search words people have used to find my blog lately?

Best of luck to desperate people here looking for information on football plays. Especially because my blog doesn't show up until well after tons of actual websites about football plays.

But anyone who wants the definition of laundry has come to the right place.

Football plays football football plays.


  1. For some reason when someone googles "sexy girl from transformers" by blog appears in the search results. I'll take it!

  2. Ha ha. This just cracked me up. One time someone searched for my blog with "uterus miscarriage". And a picture of me popped up. Kind of awkward.


I had to add a captcha because one of my posts has the word "Google" in it and it was attracting spam robots like some sort of honey-covered robot magnet.