sky machines: another dimension another dimension

May 7, 2012

another dimension another dimension

I don't sleep very much any more, do you? If you do, maybe you're wondering what happens in the very middle of the night, what you're missing out on while you're sleeping, I know I used to. You're not missing out on much.

Lately as soon as it gets dark out I want to do thousands of things. I want to clean out my closet and donate my shirts that have feathers on them. I want to learn to identify trees by their leaves. I want to organize my pens by ink viscosity. Do pushups. Write a letter to my grandmother. Make a ten-year savings plan. Jump rope on my lawn. Make waffles. Spelling gets really, really hard. Things like this happen.


You're not missing out on much at all.


  1. I appreciate this title.

  2. You always have the best titles.

  3. I noticed you never slept when we were roomies. Glad to know what was going on while I wore my ear plugs. Miss you!

  4. Ha it's vindie. That is awesome.


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