To remedy the situation I'm giving out a limited time offer for a FREE three-nights-stay to those lucky readers in the Los Angeles area! Here are only MOST of the amenities you'll enjoy if you choose Brooke's Apartment and Suites!
Broken locks provide visitors round-the-clock access!

Continental breakfast almost every single day!

Two towels! Usually one is wet so just grab the dry one. Easy enough to remember!

Due to a recent increase in the price of yogurt we do not provide cable at this time. But help yourself to our collection of a Chenguin dvd and a coupon from Starbucks for a free download of a Planet Earth episode!

Spa area!

Inspirational art!

And don't forget the Electronics Lounge is free to all guests!

Limited time offer, only the first 1,000 guests will be accepted. Not recommended for persons afraid of spiders, hummus, or police cars. Brooke's Apartment and Suites WILL NOT be held legally responsible if you are awoken in the middle of the night by the next-door-neighbors going at it.
I'm on my way!