sky machines: Lamest super-power ever

May 28, 2012

Lamest super-power ever

Every morning I drink a glass of hot water.

I also drink three in the afternoon and maybe one at night if I think of it. I also drink five to ten glasses of cold water, and I also drink two to three glasses of room-temperature water depending on how much time the glasses have to get used to the temperature of the room before I drink them.

I am half fish. I hate swimming.

I hope you memorized all those numbers because here’s the math problem: why is the hot water starting to taste like juice lately?

My first guess is it’s because I kind of gave up sweets last week. Kind of means this plan where I only eat sweets when other people offer them to me. So far it means two handfuls of Skittles. People that know me in real life (or IRL, LOL IMHO TTYL SIL) aren’t going to believe this but in the last week I haven’t had a single meal where the main ingredient was chocolate. No, not even for lunch.

And, friends in real life, get this: this is happening while I am living right next to that chocolate shop I always talk about that has chocolate in the shape of ladybugs and dogs. Everything shaped like a ladybug tastes cuter, and the dogs are hilarious because dogs? Dogs can't eat chocolate! Do you get it? The dogs are also cute.

Maybe my entire life the overwhelming amount of sugar I consumed was clouding my palate and now that it’s gone I’ve discovered I’m a Super Taster. Maybe now I can even taste the emotions of the people that cook food for me. Maybe there’s something wrong with my dishwasher.

If I start being able to taste sounds I’m going to stop eating my friend’s Skittles.

These are my hands with a chocolate ladybug three years ago. They make new ladybugs every day. Did you know the British word for ladybug is ladybird?

"Brooke I think you are looking like your mother as you... AGE. I still remember you with your little cardigan with the ladybirds on it. You were running down the hall at Baseline to-wards me; when you got there I went to pick you up and you fell, what a racket you made crying."


  1. Sorry to be a creeper... I've never left a comment before but theres a first for everything. Anyway, there's a book called The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake, and the main character can taste the emotions of people who cooked the food. Maybe you've heard of it? Kind of an interesting read.

    Also. I think you're funny, but you probably already know you are. That's all. TTFN.

  2. You're kidding Ashley! So it's possible then. I'll have to look into that book it sounds very cool.

    Thanks for the comment, TTFN, HAGS, NASA


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