But, I don’t think this is such a bad thing for girls. Does every portrayal of girls need to be good? Do we need to relate to every single girl character? I don’t think boys relate to every boy character. I've never heard a boy complaining that the Pillsbury Dough Boy makes all men look pasty and obsessed with shortbread.

An M&M has eyelashes and suddenly it’s a girl and I need to question its motives and wonder if it reads those tedious intellectual parts of the New Yorker no one reads or just the comics and is it a good portrayal of girls. Non-eyelash M&Ms can run the gamut of personalities and I don’t hear boys freaking out about it. Just a thought. Another thought: maybe if there were more “girl” M&Ms there wouldn’t be so much pressure for them to all be good role models. Also, why eyelashes? Boys have eyelashes too. I’d like to see an M&M in a Justin Bieber t-shirt. Now I want some M&Ms. Is that RAIN?
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