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Salt & Straw is FANCY and everyone LOVES IT so the lines are usually two hours long. Two hours is a pretty long time to wait for ice cream, but if you do it you can get cheese-flavored ice cream, or ice cream with flowers or gingerbread men or salt or some other crazy things. I’m only good at complaining about the lines at Salt and Straw when I’m far away. When you get close you can smell it and then it changes to “Youguysyouguysyouguys let’s go get in that line.” Sorry guys.

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I think Cool Moon is the BEST because it is the cheapest and there are no lines, and sometimes they have good flavors. Sometimes not, whatever. Cool Moon has curry-flavored ice cream. It’s not good, but it’s there. Sometimes I accidentally call it Blue Moon, which is a bar in Portland. Sometimes I accidentally call it Moon which is a rock orbiting our planet just kidding that would be way off and is not even funny or logical onto the next review.

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Fifty Licks has some weird flavors, mostly bad-weird. It’s a matter of choosing the least-offensive thing on the menu, or the one without onions or quail eggs. Whichever of those is least offensive to you.

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Ruby Jewel showed up on my radar so recently that I've only been once, but here goes. Like every other ice cream place on this list, the flavors at Ruby Jewel are small batch, so you never know what they're going to have. They advertise ice cream cookie sandwiches, which I assumed I couldn't eat, until I noticed the cookies are gluten-free. Of course the cookies are gluten-free. My friend Chelsea has a Ruby Jewel frequent PINTS card, but ten get one free, and has already earned two free ones.
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