sky machines: I high-fived a stranger and they put a hex on me

August 13, 2012

I high-fived a stranger and they put a hex on me

Today in internet news: two of my really awesome friends have a podcast and they let me talk with them on it.

One important story I didn't get to was this: once when I was driving back from my first job, I was two hours from home in middle-of-nowhere Minnesota and got lost.

I pulled over to the side of this sketchy empty road to look for a map in my trunk, no luck. I tried to call my mom, but my pay-as-you-go phone hadn't been paid as I went and was out of minutes. I set the phone on top of my car (FORESHADOWING) and walked around the street a ways, looking for a mirage or spirit animal to guide me. Once I picked a direction I got back in the car, and drove away with my cell phone still on the roof and it flew off  into the forest never to be seen again until it appeared under one of our couch cushions six years later!!

That's the really good kind of story, where you're dragged through a lot of details and then the last dozen words so random and not logical and I just say "Look how big cell phones were in 2005!" and you sit there blinking and I say go listen to the podcast, it's a lot better. And I'm the last guest.


Left: new cell phone, Right: sneak-attack magic lost cell phone from 2005

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