sky machines: who needs cheese reviews

April 24, 2013

who needs cheese reviews

If there's one thing about food we can all agree on, it's that it's not very enjoyable unless it's combined with an experiment. Which is why the last time I went to the grocery store I bought milk made from almonds, an expensive spiked fruit, and powdered peanut butter.

Also known as PB2!

If powdered peanut butter were the most popular sandwich topping and you were an astronaut going on a space mission, you would invent regular peanut butter. Powdered peanut butter is peanut butter for earthlings. I would say it's my favorite food, but I'm not sure if it's a food and I'm pretty sure it's not my favorite.

Just add water and it become spreadable. Try eating it plain and you will choke. After these two experiences I moved onto more complicated recipes, with varying results. Here are the results.

Peanut butter yogurt
If this grosses you out you're not ready for the following recipes.
Three stars. ★★★☆ 

Peanut butter eggs
This was a bad idea. Of all the types of eggs I've made (cinnamon eggs, pizza eggs, spinach eggs, pasta eggs, chili eggs, and blueberry eggs) peanut butter eggs are the definitive worst. I would only recommend them to bodybuilders or people without mouths.
Zero stars. ☆☆☆☆

Hot peanut butter water
At this point I'm probably going to lose all credibility as a peanut butter reviewer but it's worth the risk: hot water mixed with powdered peanut butter is delicious.
Four stars. ★★★★

Peanut butter applesauce
Peanut butter tastes good on apples, so I wondered does it taste good IN apples?! No, it doesn't.
One star. ★☆☆☆

In other news I might have that condition where I have a work-related accident in a factory and lose the ability to taste, but I'm also a time traveller so I lose the ability to taste BEFORE the accident actually happens.


  1. i was wondering about this product. i dont eat peanut butter, but appreciate the review of what i might be missing out on. i am fascinated with your egg recipes and hope you will post them all soon. i want to make them for megs.

  2. I have a feeling that the next teenage dare to sweep the nation will be the PB2 challenge. Similar to the cinnamon challenge, you ingest a tablespoon of PB2 and see what happens. It'll be all the rage- just you wait.

  3. This is one of my favorite posts of yours.


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