sky machines: infused with sriracha and chocolate milk

May 23, 2013

infused with sriracha and chocolate milk

We're always looking for new experiments to do and the latest is four weeks of… infusions?

There's been some debate about whether it's a blood transfusion or an infusion and I'm going with infusion, because I think it's the right answer and because it sounds like a day spa. A day spa that pumps you with fresh warm blood from a stranger and sucks your old news blood out into a plastic bag for an afternoon while the side effects make your veins itch and make your lips cold and make you dizzy and imaginative for hours. Or that's what I read. Reading about medical procedures online before they happen is the worst thing you can possibly do, because it makes it feel like you're getting whatever terrible thing done a thousand times instead of four times. 

I feel pretty ok already, but my doctor says I don't know what pretty ok feels like. After a few weeks of... infusions, I'll feel ten times better than I feel now. Ten times better! 

All these years I've been operating at ten percent capacity - no one has ever seen extra-strength Brooke before. I'll be able to run for years, my jokes will be so funny, I bet I'll finally be able to do that thing where you make your tongue into a straw. I can't wait. And while I'm waiting, I can't stop reading these descriptions online.

Look how that picture breaks up the text!

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