Some people will tell you the best thing about Luc Lac is that it’s open until 4 am. These people are not to be trusted. After midnight they have a limited menu with no curry and you’re either going to get pho but be too tired to maneuver eating it or the next morning you’re going to have a vague memory of eating eight crispy rolls. Or you might have a vivid memory and that’s a lot worse.

Get the kind with pineapple, I can’t be held responsible for anything else you get and I can’t be held legally responsible for the pineapple unless you print out this blog post and have me sign it.

I have never eaten Voodoo donuts but I have been near it many times and you don’t even need to be near it to smell it. I can smell it right now. If you take a deep enough breath so can you. If you can eat donuts you should probably go, because it’s a Portland thing, and they have vegan ones, because that’s a Portland thing, and the lines are hours long which is a Portland thing so you're really getting your money's worth here.

My life has become a quest to figure out the next time I will get to eat Sizzle Pie. The great thing about Sizzle Pie in the summer is there is no air conditioning or fans or windows just all black and pizza ovens and it's a great opportunity to eat pizza while feeling like you are a pizza. I can't recommend it enough. I don't know how late Sizzle Pie is open but it's open as late as I've ever felt like eating pizza which is always.
I've been smelling the Voo Doo doughnuts for months all the way down here in Wilsonville. Just didn't know that's what I was smelling. Thanks for filling me in.