sky machines: I always have the last laugh

September 30, 2011

I always have the last laugh

Do you remember when you were little, when adults would laugh at something that didn't make sense, and when you asked what was going on they would just say "You'll understand when you're older"?

The problem with that is that by the time you're "older" you may have forgotten the joke.

Which is why as a child, I wrote them all down.

Seven-year-old Brooke, making a bracelet out of blades of grass: Dad, is there grass in heaven?

Dad: Most stoners would say so.

Twenty-four-year-old Brooke, reading this note fifteen years later: HA. GRASS! I get it.

1 comment:

  1. Is this for real? You were a very... rare type of 7 year old Brooke. Which makes for a very cool 24 year old.


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