sky machines: next time I'll just take my chances

October 12, 2011

next time I'll just take my chances

Is it safe to assume that a friendly, grungy, slightly-intoxicated man camped out at a picnic table in front of a grocery store is homeless? Today I almost bought a sandwich for a gentleman that fit this description, but then I realized I wasn't sure he was homeless, and he hadn't done anything to solicit food donations. In fact maybe he had just eaten a HUGE meal, and was so exhausted from the sheer quantity of food he had just passed out on a picnic table in front of Vons, and the idea of a sandwich would just be insane and disgusting to him?

After typing that I realize how ridiculous it is, and I should have just bought the sandwich.

But, to the countless homeless people who read my blog:
Even if you're too intoxicated to write a sign or you don't want to seem desperate - take it from a girl who stood in line at a homeless shelter for thirty minutes because she thought it was an indie rock concert - subtlety is not always the best option.

And to my non-homeless readers who have been given a sandwich by a well-meaning stranger:
Nothing I've worn has ever gotten me a free sandwich, so you must be doing something right.

Not a super relevant photo but I really need to start adding more pictures to my blog. This was one of my top ten meals in Marseille - my sister and I ate outside at a sidewalk café on one of the sunniest most beautiful days of the year. Then we went swimming in the sea. Today I went to Vons. La-di-da.

1 comment:

  1. I always confuse homeless shelters for hipster hang-outs.


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