Taking photos of other people's dogs.
Sometimes discreetly and sometimes not discreetly. These photos will be worth millions someday, when dogs are extinct.

Walking around the city early in the morning, eating food out of a bag.
Almond M&Ms, snap peas, dried coconut flakes, the type of food doesn't really matter as long as it can be transported in a bag.
Running in the middle of the night.
It's the perfect temperature and noise level and the sun never gets in your eyes. And after you fall a few dozen times because you can't see the ground, you hardly notice the falling anymore.

Talking to strangers.
I like finding out if they have interesting stories, and also I like their shoes or skateboard or hair or dog and I need to tell them immediately. The bus is the best place on earth.
Planning elaborate fitness regimes in Google Docs and never ever doing them.
Next week I'll run prime-number mile intervals on odd-numbered days and run my weight in roman numerals at the speed of the earth's rotation on even-numbered days. Let's title this one "new idea" and put it in a folder with the others.
Watching tv and practicing my cursive by transcribing every line with a paintbrush.

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