There's been some debate about whether it's a blood transfusion or an infusion and I'm going with infusion, because I think it's the right answer and because it sounds like a day spa. A day spa that pumps you with fresh warm blood from a stranger and sucks your old news blood out into a plastic bag for an afternoon while the side effects make your veins itch and make your lips cold and make you dizzy and imaginative for hours. Or that's what I read. Reading about medical procedures online before they happen is the worst thing you can possibly do, because it makes it feel like you're getting whatever terrible thing done a thousand times instead of four times.
I feel pretty ok already, but my doctor says I don't know what pretty ok feels like. After a few weeks of... infusions, I'll feel ten times better than I feel now. Ten times better!
All these years I've been operating at ten percent capacity - no one has ever seen extra-strength Brooke before. I'll be able to run for years, my jokes will be so funny, I bet I'll finally be able to do that thing where you make your tongue into a straw. I can't wait. And while I'm waiting, I can't stop reading these descriptions online.

Look how that picture breaks up the text!